Costlow was a previous L3 representative. He was a global man who voyaged broadly and was a resigned leader in the IT business.

Kevin Costlow Shooting Video On Reddit The shooting video of Kevin Costlow was recorded by two onlookers. They had at last, shared the recording on Reddit, Youtube, and Twitter.

The video showed Pruitt taking out his weapon while Costlow lifted a piece of branch and hurled it down a few times on the agent’s head.

Around ten shots discharged from the official’s firearm had hit the middle of Costlow.

Until the last shot was discharged the casualty had not quit progressing towards Pruitt.

What Befell Kevin Costlow? Kevin Costlow was shot multiple times on his body by Maryland sheriff’s agent, Frank Pruitt.

On February 6, 2021, Costlow had caused two mishaps and was accounted for to have assaulted individuals close by.

The two had gone head to head after Pruitt had reacted to a radio call about the crazy driver.

During the quarrel, Costlow at first assaulted the representative with a huge piece of wood. With all due respect, the official needed to shoot numerous discharges at him.

Costlow was a 52 years of age man who had no previous lawbreaker records. He was from the Montgomery town of Laytonsville.

More reports about him uncovered that he was an individual from The Washington D.C. Metroplex Area people group.

Before the occurrence, Kevin was riding a Volkswagen that had caused two car crashes in the province of Maryland.

Costlow seemed bewildered and started acting oddly soon after leaving his vehicle, as per an observer.

Where Could Officer Frank Pruitt Today be? Official Frank Pruitt was not accused of the passing of Kevin Costlow. He had no expectation to shoot or kill Costlow and was just performing his responsibility.

In addition, Pruitt’s radio correspondence had additionally uncovered that he was not expected to shoot the driver.

— Paul Collin (@UPIguy) June 29, 2021

Investigators had arrived at their decisions in view of the recordings shared by two regular folks.

The representative was treated at a clinic for a back physical issue and shallow injuries after the quarrel with Costlow.

After the episode, in any case, the official was set under semi-intentional get-away. He was additionally scrutinized by a larger number of people for the shooting.