The instance of Katarzyna has come up in Polish media on the grounds that the Vistula waterway was looked for any remaining parts or other proof again after just about 10 years. In any case, the whereabout of the skinsuit isn’t uncovered to general society yet.

As per the main clinical inspector, Katarzyna’s skin bears marks that could just exist in the conditions where she’d tumbled from an incredible stature, was hit by a vehicle going at in excess of 80 km/h, or was shot in the mouth. There is, in any case, no twisted that can be brought about by a slug.

As indicated by the FBI officials occupied with the examination, the killer is probably an unassuming person who might seem weird yet isn’t undermining. It’s additionally possible that two individuals were involved.

Miroslav M., a towing boat administrator, opened a bring forth on board the Los, a flatboat pusher on the Vistula, on a colder time of year morning on January 7, 1999, to eliminate what had been caught in the propeller since the past evening. He was hoping to see a tire or a tree limb, yet what he found was startling.

At the point when he smelled an awful scent and detected a human ear, he considered what the article was; it was nonexclusive, light in shading, and sack-like by all accounts. What M. found were the bones of Katarzyna Zowada, a 23-year-old Religion Knowledge understudy.

Her skin, specifically, was painstakingly cut away at the thighs and neck, just going similar to the left ear and barring the face and arms. Her areolas, as well, were absent. From under the right bosom to the left shoulder, there was a slanting crease.

On October 4, 2017, Police caught Robert Janczewski, 52, almost twenty years after the fact. Janczewski had been a suspect in 1999, however there was lacking proof to warrant a capture.

After his capture, agents looked through his level and found blood proof in his restroom. They then, at that point, kept on investigating the condo for more proof. It’s muddled what was found.

Janczewski was a decent counterpart for the mental profile. He had gained notoriety for pestering ladies and was a combative techniques master. He had likewise known Katarzyna and had been noticed visiting her burial ground on a few events.

He had analyzing experience from before work in a lab managing human bodies and from working at the Krakow Institute of Zoology, where he could see the handling of creature skins.