Already, he was an expert Counter-strike player. Up until now yet, Karrigan has been related with different E-sports groups as a serious player like Fnatic, Astralis, Team Dignitas, Team SoloMid, and a few others.

Likewise, he is a prominent Twitch decoration with huge adherents. You can likewise discover proficient CSGO player, Karrigan who plays as an in-game pioneer and a steady rifler on Liquipedia.

Finn Andersen, otherwise known as Karrigan, was born on April 14, 1990, which makes him 30 years old.

Evidently, We would already be able to imagine Karrigan’s profile on the authority page of Wikipedia. Thus, various snippets of data can be separated from his Wiki. Being known as a “Karrigan” as an in-game name, his genuine name is Finn Anderson.


Finn Andersen (@karrigancsgo)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi

Karrigan is from Copenhagen, Denmark. Along these lines, he is of Danish ethnicity. In any case, he has half Danish and half German drop. About Karrigan’s instructive foundation? All things considered, he has just finished a double Master’s Degree in business organization and evaluating from Copenhagen Business School.

Examining his different Instagram posts, we can obviously see him dating as he has posted numerous photos together. Along these lines, Karrigan’s sweetheart is Anja Suder. We can discover Karrigan with a checked Twitter account under the username @karriganCSGO. He has huge supporters of 295k and 460 followings.

What’s more, Karrigan is additionally accessible on Instagram. On his Instagram, he has 66k adherents and 256 posts. On the off chance that you need to check Karrigan’s compensation or profit, all of you can check his E-sports income on Esports Earnings.

To the extent our anxiety, Karrigan more likely than not amassed a husky amount of total assets as he has great profit from his profession. Notwithstanding, his genuine figure is yet to get revealed.


Finn Andersen (@karrigancsgo)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi