DHS representatives and senior authorities have been working constant on different emergencies their specialization is driving, for example, responding to Hurricane Ida’s repercussions and helping with reviewing a huge number of Afghan outcasts who were cleared from Kabul in August.


Furthermore, Karen Olick neither has an Instagram account nor a Twitter account. She has all the earmarks of being exceptionally private as far as her own life.

Karen Olick gives off an impression of being hitched. Be that as it may, the subtleties on her Husband or his name and bio are kept secret.

What’s more, Karen Olick was born on February 24. Further subtleties on her introduction to the world year have not been uncovered. She gives off an impression of being probably between the ages of 30 to mid 40s.

As the Homeland Security Chief of Staff, Karen Olick had a compensation of roughly $153,310. Be that as it may, her precise total assets has not been uncovered.

She appears to be a splendid and dedicated individual, explicitly during the initial not many months of the crucial time in Homeland security.

Her new position opportunity, which is yet to unfurl, seems to inspire her guidelines and pay, so we will find in the coming days with respect to her total assets.

Olick is yet to affirm the purpose for leaving the position. Nonetheless, as her assertion affirms, apparently she got better freedoms. We will know in the impending days.

With respect to now, as per office authorities, Jennifer Higgins would fill in as brief head of staff instead of Olick until another arrangement is declared.

Also, it has been affirmed that before the month’s over, Olick expects to stop DHS.

“Olick has chosen to withdraw her post and seek after new freedoms,” Mayorkas said to DHS representatives in an email. Notwithstanding, Karen’s help during the vital initial nine months of the new Administration is incredibly refreshing.”

The Administration anticipates that 65,000 Afghan refugees should show up in the United States before the finish of September. In the following a year, another 30,000 are anticipated.

Karen Olick, chief of staff to embattled DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas “has decided to resign her position and pursue new opportunities” it’s been announced.

— Caviar Dreams (@CaviarDreams5) September 14, 2021

It’s a monstrous increment from the previous four years, when enlistment found the middle value of approximately 2,000 every month, a huge drop from earlier organizations.

Different government organizations have set up an activity inside the DHS central command. The object is to design and regulate the interaction, just as to investigate and sort out coordinations.